
Author Spotlight

Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957)
One of the most famous pioneers of North America, Laura was born to parents Charles and Caroline Wilder in untamed Wisconsin on February 7, 1867. She was the second of five children, being preceded by Mary and succeeded by "Carrie," Charles Frederick (who died at nine months old), and Grace Pearl. Much of her early life was spent traveling across the frontier of the United States until her family finally settled on a homestead near the town of DeSmet, South Dakota. Laura taught there for a time before marrying Almanzo Wilder in 1885; they had one child who survived to adulthood, Rose. Five years later she, her husband, and their daughter left South Dakota and moved across the States before settling in the Ozarks of Missouri on Rocky Ridge Farm. In 1930 Laura began her acclaimed autobiographical "Little House" series, some books of which were published posthumously by her writer daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. Laura died on February 10, 1957, eight years after Almanzo.

Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Book Fun Values Age
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder Great Fairly Clean 11-12
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder Great Clean 11-12
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder Great Fairly Clean 11-12
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